Electric hypercars are fast. Very fast. So fast, in fact, that they set several records on race tracks around the world. Their fate, however, seems sealed: they could soon disappear.

This is not just any old man, but Mate Rimac, founder of the company that bears his name and the man behind the Rimac Nevera, a battery-powered hypercar with 1,914 PS. Speaking at the Financial Times Future of the Car Summit, the Croatian manager said that customers of such beasts are turning their attention - and their money - to other types of cars. 'We have realised that electrification has now become mainstream and high-end buyers want to differentiate themselves'. 

Uncertain future

Hence the change in trend: those who can spend want to go back to analogue, not what everyone else is buying. Rimac gave an example to better explain the concept: 'An Apple Watch can do so many things, it is more accurate, it can measure heartbeats. But nobody would pay €200,000 for an Apple Watch'. To paraphrase: electric cars work and do a lot of things, but a classic analogue watch has an unparalleled appeal that justifies multi-figure financial outlays.

<p>Rimac Nevera</p>

Rimac Nevera

Hence the questions about Rimac's future: what comes after the Nevera, for which a production of 150 units is planned, 50 of which have already been sold? "I think there is a niche for doing things that you can't do with a combustion engine," said Mate Rimac. "It's not about being electric; it's about doing things that other cars can't do and offering a unique experience."

Some time ago, the company's number one (as well as CEO of Bugatti) had already talked about nanotube technology, to obtain electricity by heating fuels such as petrol, diesel or hydrogen. A special electric, with an energy efficiency of 80%. Cutting-edge technology still to be tested.

The possibility of a more classic hybrid powertrain remains open, perhaps derived from the one that will power the next Bugatti hypercar, based on a monumental naturally aspirated V16. 

Gallery: Rimac Nevera Sets Production EV Top Speed World Record