This recent episode of Wham Baam Teslacam's "TeslaCam Stories" features a Nissan pickup truck that lost control after side-swiping a Tesla Model Y. It also has several other interesting clips, but let's focus on the title story first.

With most of these videos, it can be difficult to see precisely what happened. Thankfully, the YouTube channel gets information about the story from the user who submits the video. In some cases, the stories can be a bit sketchy. However, in many cases, there seems to be pretty clear details about what happened, as well as information about a police report, repairs, etc.

This Tesla Model Y owner was driving on the motorway when he passed a Nissan pickup truck and then changed lanes to get out of the fast lane. The pickup truck driver must not have calculated the Model Y's lane change as it raced around another car and then made a hard cut in the other direction, directly into the Model Y's blind spot. This sent the truck practically flying and smashing into the median. The Tesla owner says the driver tried to tell the police it wasn't his fault, but once they looked at the TeslaCam footage, the details were clear.

We also get to see footage of a police chase, a stolen truck, major coal rolling, and a motorcycle crash. Even more crazy and interesting are the DeLorean time travellers. You'll have to watch the video to understand.

Imagine if all new cars were eventually required to have built-in dashcams. It would certainly help the authorities and insurance companies, which helps car owners. It seems this is a safety feature that all automakers should be considering for the near future.