Earlier today, Nissan introduced the Ariya, a new all-electric crossover. It’s part of Nissan’s new plan to reinvigorate its lineup after several years of dismal sales. Nissan plans to launch 12 new vehicles in the next 18 months. To signal its new path, the company is also introducing new logos not only for the automaker itself but also for its performance brand Nismo.
A hint that Nissan would update its logo with a new design emerged in March when the automaker filed trademarks for it around the world. Fast forward four months, and here’s the new logo. Instead of the circular logo with the branding cutting through the middle, the new emblem opts for a semi-circle design with the Nissan letter floating in the middle.
The new design is flatter than the previous one, which is the most significant change between them. This is better suited for our digital world. Gone are the previous logo’s skeuomorphic design elements – the shading, shadows, and highlights that make it appear like a 3D object in a 2D space, like a computer screen. The Nismo branding got a similar flattening in its design.
Nissan’s new logo follows an emerging trend in the automotive industry. Last year, Volkswagen rolled out a new, flatter logo. VW introduced it to mark “the start of a new era” for the automaker. BMW did the same thing earlier this year, sharpening its iconic branding, though, on the cars themselves, the badges are still 3D.
Gallery: 2021 Nissan Ariya
It’ll be interesting to see if other automakers follow this new trend as more and more people begin first encounter an automaker’s brand online. Kia could be next with a new emblem, which could begin appearing on cars as soon as this October. For now, though, we have Nissan’s new logo, which keeps the company name still at the centre.
Sources: Nissan / Facebook, Nissan
Nissan opens a new chapter with the Ariya
YOKOHAMA, Japan – Marking a key milestone in its Nissan NEXT transformation plan, Nissan today unveiled the all-new Ariya. As the company’s first all-electric crossover SUV, the Ariya opens a new chapter for the Nissan brand and embodies the company’s vision: enriching people’s lives.
Representing the pinnacle of Nissan’s technologies and design, the 100% electric Nissan Ariya debuted during a digital event in Yokohama. The model is a major step in Nissan’s transformation as the company refocuses on key strengths, including electrified vehicles and SUVs.
“We created the Nissan Ariya as an answer to the aspirations and practical needs of today’s customers,” said Nissan CEO Makoto Uchida. “Combining our strengths in EVs and crossovers, it’s a showcase for Nissan’s new era of excitement and design.”
The Ariya sets the pace for Nissan’s plan to roll out 12 new models in 18 months. The all-new crossover demonstrates Nissan’s commitment to meeting customer demand for new electrified, autonomous and connected technologies.
Nissan expects sales of EVs and e-POWER electrified models to be more than 1 million units a year by the end of fiscal 2023. By then, the company also aims to introduce autonomous driving technologies in more than 20 models in 20 markets, and to have sold more than 1.5 million vehicles equipped with these systems.
New Nissan looks to future, stays connected to rich heritage
The Nissan Ariya sports Nissan’s new logo, which also made its world premiere today. Symbolizing the company’s dedication to keep innovating for new generations of customers, it will adorn coming Nissan models as they’re introduced or refreshed.
The new logo looks to the future while staying proudly connected to the company’s rich heritage and tradition of innovation. The company name remains at the center of the logo, communicating an instantly recognizable brand that evokes past milestones and memories while also conveying evolution.
“The Nissan Ariya opens a new chapter in our history as we begin our journey of transformation in our business, in our products, and in our culture,” Uchida said. “It defines what matters to Nissan, represents what we stand for, and embodies the essence of who we are: a passionate, innovative challenger.”